Has anyone come across a decent python API wrapper for TWiki? I'm trying to
automate some reports and logs to automatically post, create topics, and
re-arrange a few things on our TWiki, but my googleFu has failed me :(

I did find an interesting module in Perl,
http://cpanratings.perl.org/dist/WWW-Mechanize-TWiki . Looking at the TWiki
documentations, I found a perl API reference:
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/TWiki/TWikiFuncDotPm . A proof of concept,
using these two perl modules, was generated by a blog post here:

Before I make my own pythonic port, using mechanize, and wrapping around the
aforementioned TWiki api, I wanted to see if anyone had any other ideas,
approaches, or modules to help expedite the task?

Mahmoud Abdelkader

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