achates wrote:
> Andy Sy
>> I guess this *REALLY* is how a misguided tab user exercises his 'logic':
>> Syntax replication (e.g. so-called 'argument construction') is enough,
>> semantics don't matter.
> That's quite amusing.. you've unwittingly stumbled on a pretty concise
> statement of Hilbert's first postulate of formal logic, proved by Godel
> in 1930..
> Indeed.

Too bad that only applies to /statements phrased in formal
logic/, not to everyday statements expressed in a human language.

Only someone who has run out of sensible arguments or a disingenuous
sophist would try to extend this so-called postulate the way Peter
and you did.

Really... if you *actually* believed that Peter's argument had merit
and he was not merely being facetious, I guess I rest my case
regarding tab users and their 'logical prowess'.

LMAO again.


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