I am working on a module that works out this idea of a piline in python http://code.activestate.com/recipes/580625-collection-pipeline-in-python
I have a number of design questions I would like some feedback on. 1) In the recipe the '|' is used as the pipe line operator. I like that for its similar use in unix-shells. However I have been thinking about using '>>' instead. What would your preference be and why. 2) I also want these classes to be composable. So that if I would do something like: Process = Map(double) @ Map(add1) range(10) | Process would act the same as range(10) | Map(double) | Map(add1) What operator would I use for this? Should I use the same operator as for question 1 or a different one? If a different one which one? -- Antoon. -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list