 In  my project i need to store lot n lots of images in my cache and
retrieve it very frequently.. currently i am using memcache to store and
retreive images from cache... i will be using 4 GB  ram as cache and each
image won't exceed 1 mb for sure ...and i came across  that memcache will be
assigned only certain amount of cache for caching ... so how to configure it
so that it can use the amount of cache as much as i want like 3 GB of ram
... and also i want to know whether memcache is the right way to go about my
project .. i have already implemented storing and retrieving images using
images ... it is working fine .. and i find it easy as images can be  stored
and retrieved using  a key and that is what i want ... but my project will
have many clients storing and retrieving images concurrently ... so i want
to know whether memcahe is the right way .. does it have any limitation
...if so pls suggest an alternative ....as i doing my project in python
suggest an alternative which can be  interfaced with python easily

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