dan charnitsky wrote:
I wish (hope)
Python will move in that direction along with scaling
down more easily for embedded use.
That won't happen if you just wait for the existing
development team to do it (nor even if you ask them,
I suspect), as this is likely of little interest to
any of them. Onl
>> I may need to reconsider if Python is appropriate;
>> the other possibiities are javascript or lua.
> Lisp/Scheme?
> (See http://tinyscheme.sourceforge.net/download.html
Thanks for the pointer. After some preliminary
evaluation, I'll probably try to move forward
prototyping with Lua. I't look
Well, the app is multi-threaded, so I do have a big issue getting
control back to my C program. I just can not seem to cleanly stop the
interpreter. The best I could do is:
void terminateInterpreter( PyInterpreterState *interp )
Hello pdectm,
> > You have a Python port to uClinux?
> Nope, not yet. That would have been my next post :-) I thought there
> would have been much more work on cross-compiling and porting Python.
The problem is with Python's build proces, it 1'st created pgen and then
use it for the next stag
> Is there any signal handler you can use in your C program? Maybe
> yourself will get the control back to the C program and then you can
> the interpreter.
Well, the app is multi-threaded, so I do have a big issue getting
control back to my C program. I just can not seem to cleanly
Hello dan,
> > How about: PyRun_String("from os import _exit;
> > _exit(0)") ?
> Clever! But, _exit() will terminate my entire
> process, not just the offending interpreter. And I
> can't use a separate child process on uclinux.
You have a Python port to uClinux?
> Any other ideas?
> I've googled my heart out and reread the threading API countless times.
> Any suggest or hints would be greatly appreciated.
You might have used the wrong keywords - the subject of killable threads
comes up every month once or twice, and usually is discussed to some
length. There exist some
I'm trying to prototype an application which runs multiple python
scripts, each in its own interpreter and OS thread. I've not been able
to forceable stop a script which does not respond to a request to stop.
My thought was to simply call:
PyThreadState_Delete(xxx); //