Hi all,

I have a python module (M) with the following structure
M (directory)
   | __init__.py   (class Base(object) ...)
   | - a.py           (class A(Base) ...)
   | - b.py           (class B(Base) ...)
   | - c.py           (class C(Base) ...)

The __init_.py has a class which all the sub-modules (a,b,c)  classes
inherit from.
* The class has  an __init__ method which imports certian modules  and
nothing more
* Each submodule (a,b,c) has a class each which are derived from the class
defined in __init__.py
* Each submodule's classe's __init__  method extends the base class __init__
method and imports some more modules specific to be used in that class

I have thought of such subclassing to avoid repetition of importing modules
across the directory hierarchy beneath.
Now is the class defined in __init__.py is not acessible to the submodules.
what could be done to make it work ? am i missing something ?


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