Apologies if this seems like it's off-topic, but since moinmoin is
written in Python, I am hoping to solicit some good thoughts in this

The problem: I'm setting up a wiki farm (small software company, my
personal use as a PIM, hobby site).  I may also deploy (customized)
wikis to small/medium companies.  I've been researching wikis recently,
and I really like three: Moinmoin, Mediawiki, and SocialText (well,
Trac, too, but ...).  Moinmoin seems like a great match for me b.c. of
the python underpinnings, but I'm worried that it is a dead or dying
project, i.e.


I'm also concerned b.c. the documentation and features seem sparse, and
I read stray comments about "lack of scalability."  Moinmoin also seems
to lag (or plainly lack) some of the more popular "hot" wiki features
found in other packages.  Finally, I've read rave reviews of the latter
two platforms, but I don't see much press (esp. positive) for Moinmoin.

Should I invest the time in Moinmoin, and development for it, or use
another platform?  Will Moinmoin be able to keep up with the heated
evolution of wikis for corporate and PIM usage?  Is there a sense of
moinmoin momentum (developer or user)?  Is the lack of moinmoin
advocacy a consequence of a weak product, or something else?



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