Re: parallel computations: subprocess.Popen(...).communicate()[0] does not work with multiprocessing.Pool

2011-06-12 Thread Chris Torek
In article Hseu-Ming Chen wrote: I am having an issue when making a shell call from within a multiprocessing.Process(). Here is the story: i tried to parallelize the computations in 800-ish Matlab scripts and then save the

Re: parallel computations: subprocess.Popen(...).communicate()[0] does not work with multiprocessing.Pool

2011-06-11 Thread Miki Tebeka
Greetings, cmd1 = /usr/local/bin/matlab ... myMatlab.1.m subprocess.Popen([cmd1], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] Try a list of arguments as the command to run. subprocess.Popen([/usr/local/bin/matlab, ... myMatlab.l.m] ...) If you can switch to 2.7, you'll be to

parallel computations: subprocess.Popen(...).communicate()[0] does not work with multiprocessing.Pool

2011-06-10 Thread Hseu-Ming Chen
Hi, I am having an issue when making a shell call from within a multiprocessing.Process(). Here is the story: i tried to parallelize the computations in 800-ish Matlab scripts and then save the results to MySQL. The non-parallel/serial version has been running fine for about 2 years. However,