I am in the process of learning pygtk and I would like to port
some custom made Tkinter widgets to pygtk, just an exercise.
For instance I have this code:

. from Tkinter import *
. class AnimatedLabel(Label):
.     def __init__(self, master, text, width=72, maxspc=16, deltat=100,
.         self.text = text
.         self.width = width
.         self.maxspc = maxspc
.         self.deltat = deltat
.         self.stringvar = StringVar(master)
.         self.stringvar.set(text)
.         self.stop = False
.         Label.__init__(self, master, textvariable=self.stringvar,
.     def startAnimation(self, spaces='', addspace=False):
.         if len(spaces) == 0 or len(spaces) == self.maxspc:
.             addspace = not addspace
.         if addspace: # add a space
.             spaces += ' '
.         else: # remove a space
.             spaces = spaces[1:]
.         if not self.stop: # repeat each 100 ms changing spaces and
.             self.after(self.deltat, self.startAnimation, spaces,
.     def stopAnimation(self):
.         self.stop = True
. if __name__ == "__main__":
.     t = Tk()
.     t.title('Example')
.     t.config(background='green')
.     a = AnimatedLabel(t, text="Hello", fg='blue', bg='green')
.     a.pack()
.     a.startAnimation()
.     t.mainloop()

what's the equivalent of the .after() method in pygtk?
BTW, is there any intro to pygtk thought for Tkinter users?

             Michele Simionato


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