Martin v. Löwis wrote:
> Melissa Evans schrieb:
>>I've modified,
>>, a postfix policy
>>daemon for greylisting. to use LDAP as a backend instead of SQL (with
>>python-ldap.)  The daemon runs fine when testing but when I put it under
>>load it core dumps quickly.  What little analysis I know how to do shows
>>similar information every time.  Any advice on where to go from here?
> It looks like a memory allocation bug, e.g. caused by a double free,
> or possibly a buffer overrun.

Unfortunately the C part of python-ldap is not in a good shape regarding
Python 2.5 since I'm not a C programmer. Release 2.2.0 works only with
Python 2.3.x. and 2.4.x. :-/

But this seems to help (tested on my local system):

Generally I also asked for help regarding "PEP 353 - preparation for
Python 2.5":

I posted a related message to python-ldap-dev list with some patches:

During the next days I hope to commit some of the changes I've made
since then. Contributions welcome.

Ciao, Michael.

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