I am new to this list, I don't really know if I should post here my request.

The following code is raising httplib.BadStatusLine on urllib2.urlopen(url)

url = 'https://stat.netaffiliation.com/requete.php?login=xxx&mdp=yyy&debut=2011-05-01&fin=2011-05-12'
response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
content = response.read()

if the url is http, it doesn't fail, if it's https://www.gmail.com, it doesn't fail neither!
someone could help me to make it work.
When going to the url using a browser, there is no error.
The only thing is that the certificate is signed for another domain.

of course, on my real test I replace xxx and yyy, but anyway the error is the same with or without the parameters, even https://stat.netaffiliation.com raises the exception...


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