Good evening Nick
Thank you for answer I will study your code and learn from it.
I subscribed to the wxPython users mailing list which is for my actual
questions probably the more accurate place.
But I always apreciate that when I post even a probably simple
question I always get an answer from thi
alex wrote:
> I am still trying to refactor a simple GUI basing on an example in
> "wxPython In Action", "Listing 5.5 A refactored example" where the
> menue creation is "automatized". I understand the problem (each
> second for loop in "def createMenuData (self)" creates a distinct
> menu)
Hello everybody
I am still trying to refactor a simple GUI basing on an example
in "wxPython In Action", "Listing 5.5 A refactored example" where the
menue creation is "automatized".
I understand the problem (each second for loop in "def createMenuData
creates a distinct menu) but I tried n