Thank you Victor for all the work you've put into asyncio! Congrats on this

On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 8:25 AM, Victor Stinner <>

> asyncio 3.4.3 is now available for Python 3.3 at:
> There are wheel packages for Windows 32 and 64 bits.
> I tried to write the changelog by comparing the *huge* diff between
> asyncio 3.4.2 and 3.4.3. If the changelog is not formatted correctly,
> we may read it in the source code directly, ChangeLog file:
> Major changes
> -------------
> * New SSL implementation using ssl.MemoryBIO. The new implementation
> requires
>   Python 3.5 and newer, otherwise the legacy implementation is used.
> * On Python 3.5 and newer usable, the ProactorEventLoop now supports SSL
>   thanks to the new SSL implementation.
> * Fix multiple resource leaks: close sockets on error, explicitly clear
>   references, emit ResourceWarning when event loops and transports are not
>   closed explicitly, etc.
> * The proactor event loop is now much more reliable (no more known race
>   condition).
> * Enhance handling of task cancellation.
> Changes of the asyncio API
> --------------------------
> * Export BaseEventLoop symbol in the asyncio namespace
> * create_task(), call_soon(), call_soon_threadsafe(), call_later(),
>   call_at() and run_in_executor() methods of BaseEventLoop now raise an
>   exception if the event loop is closed.
> * call_soon(), call_soon_threadsafe(), call_later(), call_at() and
>   run_in_executor() methods of BaseEventLoop now raise an exception if the
>   callback is a coroutine object.
> * BaseEventLoopPolicy.get_event_loop() now always raises a RuntimeError
>   if there is no event loop in the curren thread, instead of using an
>   assertion (which can be disabld at runtime) and so raises an
> AssertionError.
> * selectors: Selector.get_key() now raises an exception if the selector is
>   closed.
> * If wait_for() is cancelled, the waited task is also cancelled.
> * _UnixSelectorEventLoop.add_signal_handler() now raises an exception if
>   the callback is a coroutine object or a coroutine function. It also
> raises
>   an exception if the event loop is closed.
> Performances
> ------------
> * sock_connect() doesn't check if the address is already resolved anymore.
>   The check is only done in debug mode. Moreover, the check uses
> inet_pton()
>   instead of getaddrinfo(), if inet_pton() is available, because
> getaddrinfo()
>   is slow (around 10 us per call).
> Debug
> -----
> * Better repr() of _ProactorBasePipeTransport, _SelectorTransport,
>   _UnixReadPipeTransport and _UnixWritePipeTransport: add closed/closing
>   status and the file descriptor
> * Add repr(PipeHandle)
> * PipeHandle destructor now emits a ResourceWarning is the pipe is not
> closed
>   explicitly.
> * In debug mode, call_at() method of BaseEventLoop now raises an exception
>   if called from the wrong thread (not from the thread running the event
>   loop). Before, it only raised an exception if current thread had an event
>   loop.
> * A ResourceWarning is now emitted when event loops and transports are
>   destroyed before being closed.
> * BaseEventLoop.call_exception_handler() now logs the traceback where
>   the current handle was created (if no source_traceback was specified).
> * BaseSubprocessTransport.close() now logs a warning when the child
> process is
>   still running and the method kills it.
> Bug fixes
> ---------
> * windows_utils.socketpair() now reuses socket.socketpair() if available
>   (Python 3.5 or newer).
> * Fix IocpProactor.accept_pipe(): handle ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED, it means
>   that the pipe is connected. _overlapped.Overlapped.ConnectNamedPipe() now
>   returns True on ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED.
> * Rewrite IocpProactor.connect_pipe() using polling to avoid tricky bugs
>   if the connection is cancelled, instead of using QueueUserWorkItem() to
> run
>   blocking code.
> * Fix IocpProactor.recv(): handle BrokenPipeError, set the result to an
> empty
>   string.
> * Fix ProactorEventLoop.start_serving_pipe(): if a client connected while
> the
>   server is closing, drop the client connection.
> * Fix a tricky race condition when IocpProactor.wait_for_handle() is
>   cancelled: wait until the wait is really cancelled before destroying the
>   overlapped object. Unregister also the overlapped operation to not block
>   in IocpProactor.close() before the wait will never complete.
> * Fix _UnixSubprocessTransport._start(): make the write end of the stdin
> pipe
>   non-inheritable.
> * Set more attributes in the body of classes to avoid attribute errors in
>   destructors if an error occurred in the constructor.
> * Fix SubprocessStreamProtocol.process_exited(): close the transport
>   and clear its reference to the transport.
> * Fix SubprocessStreamProtocol.connection_made(): set the transport of
>   stdout and stderr streams to respect reader buffer limits (stop reading
> when
>   the buffer is full).
> * Fix FlowControlMixin constructor: if the loop parameter is None, get the
>   current event loop.
> * Fix don't fail anymore if no file
>   descriptor is registered.
> * Fix _SelectorTransport: don't wakeup the waiter if it was cancelled
> * Fix _SelectorTransport._call_connection_lost(): only call
> connection_lost()
>   if connection_made() was already called.
> * Fix BaseSelectorEventLoop._accept_connection(): close the transport on
>   error. In debug mode, log errors (ex: SSL handshake failure) on the
> creation
>   of the transport for incoming connection.
> * Fix BaseProactorEventLoop.close(): stop the proactor before closing the
>   event loop because stopping the proactor may schedule new callbacks,
> which
>   is now forbidden when the event loop is closed.
> * Fix wrap_future() to not use a free variable and so not keep a frame
> alive
>   too long.
> * Fix formatting of the "Future/Task exception was never retrieved" log:
> add
>   a newline before the traceback.
> * WriteSubprocessPipeProto.connection_lost() now clears its reference to
> the
>   subprocess.Popen object.
> * If the creation of a subprocess transport fails, the child process is
> killed
>   and the event loop waits asynchronously for its completion.
> * BaseEventLoop.run_until_complete() now consumes the exception to not log
> a
>   warning when a BaseException like KeyboardInterrupt is raised and
>   run_until_complete() is not a future (but a coroutine object).
> * create_connection(), create_datagram_endpoint(), connect_read_pipe() and
>   connect_write_pipe() methods of BaseEventLoop now close the transport on
>   error.
> Other changes
> -------------
> * Add tox.ini to run tests using tox.
> * _FlowControlMixin constructor now requires an event loop.
> * Embed asyncio/ to not depend on of the system
>   Python. For example, is not installed by default on Windows.
> * selectors.Selector.close() now clears its reference to the mapping
> object.
> * _SelectorTransport and _UnixWritePipeTransport now only starts listening
> for
>   read events after protocol.connection_made() has been called
> * _SelectorTransport._fatal_error() now only logs ConnectionAbortedError
>   in debug mode.
> * BaseProactorEventLoop._loop_self_reading() now handles correctly
>   CancelledError (just exit) and logs an error for other exceptions.
> * _ProactorBasePipeTransport now clears explicitly references to read and
>   write future and to the socket
> * BaseSubprocessTransport constructor now calls the internal
> _connect_pipes()
>   method (previously called _post_init()). The constructor now accepts an
>   optional waiter parameter to notify when the transport is ready.
> * send_signal(), terminate() and kill() methods of BaseSubprocessTransport
> now
>   raise a ProcessLookupError if the process already exited.
> * Add to run the aiotest test suite
> * Add script to build wheel packages on Windows and run unit
> tests
> Victor

--Guido van Rossum (

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