Hello all,

Pythonwin the IDE has many fans, and I would like to get it working with
Movable Python [#]_.

Pythonwin is launched with 'pythonwin.exe'. Presumably (I speak from
ignorance here) this uses the registry to determine the installed Python.

When I run Pythonwin.exe on a computer with no installed Python (but a
working Movpy setup) I get the message :

    The application can not locate win32ui.pyd (or python) (126)
    The specified  module could not be found.

This is after putting the Pythonwin directory on the path [#]_ - and
win32ui.pyd exists in the current directory (same directory as

I see that the Pythonwin source code is C++, so I guess there is no way
of creating a Pure Python version. :-)

Is there anyway I can tell Pythonwin which Python interpreter to use,
without having to make registry settings ?

All the best,


.. [#] http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/movpy/
.. [#] This was necessary to get it to find mfc71.dll
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