At Sunday 21/1/2007 07:56, jbd wrote:

> But since you're already using messages, maybe the easiest way is
> making the target application broadcast a message telling "I'm ready
> now", and when the caller sees it, it knows it can post the message.
> Use RegisterWindowMessage on both applications, with the same name,
> to obtain a unique message identifier.
> Use HWND_BROADCAST as the first argument to PostMessage to broadcast
> it to all top level windows.

Ok. Thanks for the tip. The fact is really don't know when the target
application is really ready. I'll have to spy it on Monday =)
Is there way to detect that a entry in a menu is not activated ?

Ouch, does that mean that you are not in control of the target application? If not, most of these suggestions are not very useful since they require to modify the app. To detect if a menu is enabled or not, you could use GetMenuState, but I'm not sure if that helps you at all...

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL


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