I dug into this a little more, but I'm afraid there isn't much good news to 
share :(

>  What I would like to achieve is the IWebBrowser2 object of the
> dialog.htm page. I know I can access anything on the page itself  via
> the IHTMLDocument2 (which I already have) but that's not my  need.

I can reproduce this your problem.  I also added ObjectFromLresult to pywin32 - 
so getting the doc object from a HWND will (in pywin32-212) be as easy as:

    # See KB Q249232
    hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow('IEFrame', None)
    for child_class in ['TabWindowClass', 'Shell DocObject View',
                        'Internet Explorer_Server']:
        hwnd = win32gui.FindWindowEx(hwnd, 0, child_class, None)
    msg = win32gui.RegisterWindowMessage("WM_HTML_GETOBJECT")
    rc, result = win32gui.SendMessageTimeout(hwnd, msg, 0, 0, 
win32con.SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 1000)
    ob = pythoncom.ObjectFromLresult(result, pythoncom.IID_IDispatch, 0)
    doc = Dispatch(ob)
    doc.bgColor = "red"

(The above is the simple case - I understand your example was more complex due 
to the modal dialog).  But as you said, you are already at that point with 
ctypes, and we move into your problem.  From the code above, pywin32 can take 
over - it already has native support for IServiceProvider - so, something like 
the following, from your failing sample.

    ihtmlwin = doc.parentWindow
    # ... the service provider ...
    pIServiceProvider = 
    # ... and the IWebBrowser2:
    ie = pIServiceProvider.QueryService(IID_IWebBrowserApp, IID_IWebBrowserApp)

And the problem I see is that QueryService *always* fail with E_NOINTERFACE, 
regardless of the interface requested as the second param.  Even IUnknown 
fails, which doesn't make sense, so my conclusion is that the object is simply 
refusing to return that service (rather than failing to return the interface 
for the service).  The docs imply IE should indeed work here, so I suspect the 
issue relates specifically to the modal window. I'm afraid I ran out of time on 
this issue to confirm the QueryService worked in the "normal" case - I just got 
far enough to ensure myself the problem wasn't related to Python ;)

Hope your are progressing regardless ;)



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