First, I feel that Python already has too many GUI toolkits available, and
could stand to use some consolidation.

I started writing python GUI apps with pyQT,then moved to Pythoncard, and
now I use wxPython directly without looking back. I feel that there needs to
be much more of a separation between the C++ code and Python than pyQT
provides, and I don't feel the "C++" influence when I use wxPython, even
though wxWidgets is written in C++ and interfaced with SWIG. I think adding
a wrapper just adds more complexity, and there are already several
intermediate layers & "form builders" for wx in an attempt to make it
Now that Nokia is behind QT it would be interesting to see follow its

I think ones efforts could be better spent working on wx directly, or
helping Mark Hammond with Python W32 itself. I've never used MFC, so I can't
make the comparison myself, but I've heard Thomas' statement how wx is
similar to MFC, from another source.

Here are an outdated comparison of some "attempts to make wx easier to use".

Pythoncard is not listed in the chart above, and that chart is not really a
comparison of "intermediate layers".
Pythoncard is still popular and could probably stand to be improved.

With some time, struggling, and cursing, I have now written a few wx apps
from scratch, even using sizers. While I can't do it "second nature" yet, I
don't  see myself looking
at another intermediate layer. wx has come a long way, the documentation is
getting much better, and the wxPython list is a great resource for solving
problems. Quite a few people have written some new wx components too, but
they are not part of the standard distribution. I feel the Python community
would benefit much better by not competing with something that has this much
momentum (aka developing a native  Windows GUI).

I actually would rather see new any new GUI-related development efforts
going into a community-standardized RAD IDE (aka Delphi-like) environment,
as opposed to a seeing a new toolkit/framework come into existence. I have
been hoping a company like Microsoft or Google would get behind this effort,
more Google than Microsoft.
Since I am an advocate for wx, I would really prefer company-backed
resources put into a completed Delphi-like IDE for wxPython.

I applaud your efforts Thomas whatever the outcome. I know they will benefit
the Python community.
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