Hi Anton,

I think you need to rely to generated Python-Com-objects aka early binding.
for details.
There was another page explaining the differences really nicely between late and early binding and how to enforce the generation of the Python files. Unfortunately I can't find it right now. I think it was on Tim Goldens or Mark Hammonds page. Perhaps they can help.

Nevertheless I can't recommend this way for CATIA! My experience is, that at least for CATIA the amount of functions you can use is smaller from early-binding-objects than from late-binding-objects. Which means you can't use a function although it should be there.

For CATIA I recommend instead using the ".Name"-property which you can use on every object. This helps at least in an interactive session, so you know what you are currently dealing with.

If you want to identify what the user selected or what kind of document the active document is, use the ".Name"-method of catia.ActiveDocument and check the file extension:

catia = win32com.client.Dispatch("CATIA.Application")
ext = os.path.splitext(catia.ActiveDocument.Name)[1].lower()

if ext == ".catpart": handleCatPart()
elif ....

If this is too unsafe for you, try getting specific properties and catch 

  isPart = True
except pywintypes.com_error:
  isPart = False

Another disadvantage of using EnsureDispatch instead of Dispatch is, that the user has to have write-rights on the Python-folder as the files are generated into a subfolder.

Good luck with CATIA, you will need it!


anton schrieb am 03.02.2015 um 23:49:

I an using python
using win32com.client to
pilot CATIA.

I try to get the structure of the loaded CATProducts
CATParts and CATDrawings.

For this I would like to get the typename of the com
objects like "Document" or "Product".

In the vba example people use the VBA function TypeName()
to get the name of the type as string.

Unfortunately I didn't find an equivalent function for python
(or at least a way to achieve the same result).

The python type function is here not of use (I get always "COMObject").

Do you have a hint or small example?



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