Good day,

I have been using the win32evtlog.EvtSubscribe function to subscribe for
changes in the event log and saw that under a stress of event logs being
generated, the memory of the Python process increases significantly and
never goes back. I have removed all of the code in my callback so I'm doing
nothing in the callback and still seeing what seems to be a significant
memory leak (Increasing quickly to many MBs)

All I'm doing is :

def my_event_handler():

subscription = win32evtlog.EvtSubscribe('Security',
                    None, Callback=my_event_handler, Context=None,

And then in another process creating tons of event logs by doing :

while True:
    x = win32security.LogonUser("Dan Cohen","", "XXXXX",3,0)
    x = None

Which creates a lot of event logs of type user logon.

The installed version is 219 which seems to be the most recent.

Would very much appreciate your help,
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