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<!-- DIV {margin:0px;}-->Hello All,

Ihave a fairly straightforward script that attempts to connect to a webserver 
using https and retrieve some data which is then compared to afile retrieved 
out of subversion.  To do these tasks, my script isusing M2Crypto 0.18.2 and 
PySVN 1.5.3-904.  While these are onlyincidental to my problem, I thought it 
worth including for background.

Ifin the script the import order is to load M2Crypto followed by PySVN,the 
function call attempting to connect to the subversion fails withthe following 

"pysvn._pysvn_2_5.ClientError: PROPFIND request failed on '<svn path>'
PROPFIND of '<svn path>': SSL negotiation failed: SSL disabled due to library 
version mismatch (https://typhon)"

IfI upgrade to Python 2.5.2 from 2.5.1, the python interpreter crasheswith a 
fatal exception instead of throwing the exception listed above.

Now, if instead I import PySVN first before M2Crypto, then compilation of the 
script fails with this exception:

"Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\programs\working\", line 20, in <module>
    import M2Crypto
  File "C:\utils\Python25\Lib\site-packages\M2Crypto\", line 14, in 
    import __m2crypto
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found."

Furtherresearch into this problem shows that M2Crypto and PySVN are 
compiledagainst different versions of the OpenSSL dlls.  I can't help butwonder 
if this suggests a wider problem with how dlls are handled.  Itmakes sense that 
the Python VM would only want to load 1 copy of anydlls for memory and 
performance reasons, but then it leaves problemslike this one.  Maybe the only 
'workaround' is to compile externalmodules for yourself rather than relying on 
pre-built binaries.  If youhave any information or advice for me, it would be 

Thank you,
John Siegrist

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