
We are Python novices but have some Windows services written in Python 2.4.3 by 
somebody no longer at our company. These services use MQ-Series. We are trying 
to install and run these services on another machine on which Python was 
previously not installed. We successfully installed the services but when we 
try to start them we receive the following errors in the Windows event viewer.

Python could not import the service's module
  File "C:\Documents and 
Settings\BinaJ\Desktop\ibswin\exe\COMMON\Scripts\interfaceServices.py", line 
184, in ?
    import pymqi
  File "C:\Documents and 
Settings\BinaJ\Desktop\ibswin\exe\COMMON\lib\pymqi.py", line 82, in ?
    import pymqe, CMQC, CMQCFC
exceptions.ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be 

-       We have the files, pymqi.pyc and pymqe.pyd. We have specified the path 
containing the files in PYTHONPATH.

-       We successfully ran "python setup.py install" in the PYMQI directory

-       We could not run "python setup.py build client" as we do not have 
Visual Studio 7.1


-       Should we have a file pymqi.pyd?

-       Do we need to build the client?

-       What suggestions do you have to fix our problem?

Thank you.

Leonard Berman

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