I have a need to write a service that can take multiple guises.

So I would like one set of code, and to be able to install a dev service, a
uat service, a test service etc.

so something like

python NickService.py -environment=DEV -config=c:\config\NickService.config

for the install.

This would then install a NickServiceDEV service. I can then install a
second instance of the same service.

Now, I'm having problems getting the 'DEV' information and the config
information when each service is running

The idea being that given the DEV and the config file, I can look up the
other parameters I need to use in the SvcDoRun etc

2 questions.

1. Is this the right approach? I would prefer not to go near the registry if
2. If not, what is the right way?


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