Hello, Our team uses Visual Basic for Rhapsody Automation,
but we now would like to use Python. But it seems to be IMPOSSIBLE.
Indeed, it seems that there is no Polymorphism in Python so that when i get 
a daughter instance Class, it does not not work, i continue to have the 
corresponding Mother Class.
Here is my code:
    The Application used is "Rhapsody"
import pythoncom       # Window word wrapper for Rhapsody
import win32com.client # Window word wrapper for Rhapsody
import sys
  class TestRhapsody(object):
      def connectRhapsody(self):
        print "connecting to Rhapsody.."
        self.rhapsody = 
        self.project = self.rhapsody.activeProject()
        if self.project == None :
            raise Exception("Load a Rhapsody project!")
        print "OK"
      def listAllLanguageTypes(self):
        theIRPModelElement = 
self.project.findNestedElementRecursive("T_Boolean", "Type")
          print theIRPModelElement.getFullPathName()
        print theIRPModelElement.name
          # HERE IS THE ERROR: The theIRPModelElement is a "IRPType" which is 
        # a specialization of a IRPModelElement, but Python continue to see it 
like an IRPModelElement
        print "Declaration : %s\n" % (theIRPModelElement.declaration) 
def test():
        thePatch = TestRhapsody()
      except Exception ,err:
        print "ERROR ! \n %s"%( str (err))
  if __name__ == '__main__':
  I got the following  message:
instance at 0x59532032>'
 object has no attribute 'declaration'
Here is the Py32Com Wrapper extract:
  class IRPModelElement(DispatchBaseClass):
 """IRPModelElement Interface"""
 CLSID = IID('{57DBF9EF-F318-11D2-B825-00104B3E6572}')
 coclass_clsid = IID('{57DBF9F0-F318-11D2-B825-00104B3E6572}')
class IRPType(DispatchBaseClass):
 """IRPType Interface"""
 CLSID = IID('{EB754AE3-0D76-11D3-8E4D-0060080B70BC}')
 coclass_clsid = IID('{EB754AE4-0D76-11D3-8E4D-0060080B70BC}')
   # Result is of type IRPFlowchart
 def addActivityDiagram(self):
  """method addActivi
    _prop_map_get_ = {
            "currentDirectory": (110, 2, (8, 0), (), "currentDirectory", None),
            "declaration": (803, 2, (8, 0), (), "declaration", None),

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