Emlyn Jones wrote:
> Hello,
> I've written a web application using the Win32 IIS stuff. It uses a few 
> .py
> modules and a collection of ASP pages using Python.
> I was wondering if anybody had any experience in distributing and 
> installing
> an application like this and could offer any useful tips/gotchas.
> At the moment the plan is to ask the user to install Python and PyWin32, 
> run
> the Python/ASP registration script and then copy the files from a zip file
> onto the server. Is there a more straight forward way to do this?
> Are there any functions in pyWin32 for setting up IIS (making virtual
> folders and such like?) then I could just install the whole thing like any
> other python package (using bdist_winst) and then link a virtual folder to
> it from a post install script.
> Regards,
> Emlyn.

There are a whole set of COM objects for managing IIS.
Here's some code that creates a virtual dir.

import win32com.client
vdir=iis.Create("IIsWebVirtualDir", "virtualdircreatebypython")


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