I have the same problem with pippo_server, the test file in the win32com
package. I don't know if somebody can have more info from this. 

I used a client written with python and comtypes and, with a little effort I
can see the call to QueryInterface with IID_NULL (as happens if the caller
is a C++ client).

The client is very simple (it needs comtypes):

import comtypes
from comtypes.client import *
from comtypes.GUID import GUID
from ctypes import *

tlb_id = GUID('{41059C57-975F-4B36-8FF3-C5117426647A}')
GetModule((tlb_id, 1, 0))

import comtypes.gen.TESTSERVERLib as llib

obj = CreateObject('Python.Test.Pippo', interface=llib.IPippo)
p = obj.Method1()

To show the problem I registered the pippo_server with the --debug option.
Then I changed the function Method1 in this way to have a debug output:

    def Method1(self):
        #return wrap(CPippo())
        return wrap(CPippo(),useDispatcher=1)

Last, in the file policy.py at line 261, at the begin of the
_QueryInterface_ function I added a line:
    print iid

The result in PythonWin trace Collector is:

Object with win32trace dispatcher created (object=None)
Object with win32trace dispatcher created (object=<pippo_server.CPippo
instance at 0x015DF210>)
{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:Python25Libsite-packageswin32comserverdispatcher.py", line 41, in
    return self.policy._QueryInterface_(iid)
  File "C:Python25libsite-packageswin32comserverpolicy.py", line 261, in
    print iid
com_error: (-2147221005, "Stringa dell'interfaccia non valida.", None, None)
pythoncom error: Failed to call the universal dispatcher

There is a QueryInterface with iid={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
and I don't know who's doing it.

Thanks for any tip,

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