Me and Tim started to email each other directly, here are the messages for
anyone who is interested.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tom <>
Date: Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 12:04 PM
Subject: Re: [python-win32] Issue with inserting Microsoft Excel charts into
To: Tim Golden <>

Thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate it.
I'm really not sure what the issue is, but I have it working now. I changed
DispatchEx to EnsureDispatch and I changed the WorkSheets call (Which
apparently doesn't exist on server 2003) to ActiveSheet and this went
through fine.

I expect me not knowing why this happened will come back to bite me soon
enough, but its working now.


On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 11:50 AM, Tim Golden <> wrote:

> On 26/08/2011 11:42, Tom wrote:
>> Ok, this is weird. I think you were right Tim:
>> I tried running makepy on all the libraries I thought I would need, and
>> that didn't work. So I just copied all the gen_py files to the server
>> and re-ran the report generation. This seemed to produce a different
>> error - instead of not finding the Chart object it now does, but it
>> errors because excels workbook object (_workbook) doesn't have a
>> WorkSheets attribute (worksheet = chart.ChartData.Workbook.**
>> WorkSheets(1)).
>> Can you explain more about dynamic and static dispatching, can I force
>> win32com to do one or the other?
> It's a concept basically invented by Mark Hammond when he created
> the Python bindings to COM -- ie it's not COM terminology as such.
> By good fortune, the (slightly ancient but still relevant) book
> on Python Win32 has a sample chapter which covers this stuff:
> In short, though, the win32com modules will either generate
> a temporary wrapper around the IDispatch-interfaces objects;
> or will generate an actual Python module which is squirrels
> away under the gen_py directory.
> The most notable difference is that the former simply passes
> everything it can through to the underlying COM objects,
> which are case-insensitive, while the latter uses Python
> module which is therefore case-sensitive. So this code:
> xl = win32com.client.Dispatch ("Excel.Application")
> xl.visible = 1
> will work if the xl object has been dynamically dispatched
> (the default) but will fail if it's statically dispatched
> because the documented attribute is actually Visible with
> an initial cap.
> To force one or another:
>  xl = win32com.client.dynamic.**Dispatch ("Excel.Application")
> for dynamic; or
>  xl = win32com.client.gencache.**EnsureDispatch ("Excel.Application")
> for static.
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