[python-win32] Vista's win32

2007-03-18 Thread JJJanse
On WinXP I used to import win32api import win32con import win32event from win32com.shell import shell, shellcon in order to call exResult=shell.ShellExecuteEx( lpFile=rC:\Program Files\MLDownloader\MLDownloader.exe, lpParameters=-MLD_daily, nShow=win32con.SW_NORMAL,

Re: [python-win32] Vista's win32

2007-03-18 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! This is no a PyWin32 problem. It's a Vista resctriction. You must configure your software, for give to rights of launch. Your code run OK, for execute a(nother) software, in another directory (I had try). @-salutations Michel Claveau ___