[python-win32] WMI to find private memory usage

2012-04-13 Thread Riz Hossain
Hello, I am looking for a way to capture the private memory usage by a process (the one that shows on task manager). I searched online a lot but I am only seeing information on working memory size. It would be also a great if I could get the peak value of private memory usage. Thanks, Riz

Re: [python-win32] WMI to find private memory usage

2012-04-13 Thread Riz Hossain
Thanks for the reply Tim. I have tried the below code: import psutil p = psutil.Process(3540) print p.get_memory_info() it outputs: meminfo(rss=157237248, vms=139837440) which is the memory for working set and commit. This is still not returning me the private value (which is what you see