I just released comtypes-0.5.3.

    comtypes is a lightweight Python COM package, based on the ctypes
    FFI library, in less than 10000 lines of code (not counting the

    comtypes allows to define, call, and implement custom and
    dispatch-based COM interfaces in pure Python.  It works on Windows,
    64-bit Windows, and Windows CE.

    Download location:


This is a maintainance release of the current repository state, before
I merged the dynamic-dispatch branch (which will be released as
comtypes-0.6.0 within the next few days).

Summary of important changes:

- Compatible with Python 3.0
- Added comtypes.shelllink module; this allows to manage shortcuts
- Various smaller improvements

Detailed changes since version 0.5.2:

2008-12-12  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>
        * Bumped version number to 0.5.3.

        * Added VARIANT support for VT_I8 and VT_UI8 typecodes.

2008-12-11  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * Workaround for Python bug: Python 3 cannot handle a distutils
        installscript in the setup script

        * Merged the py3-branch:

        Various changes for py3 compatibility.  The setup script now uses
        distutils.command.build_py.build_py_2to3 when run with Python 3.x,
        and converts the sources into py3 syntax on the fly (in the build

2008-11-26  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * Added untested code to comtypes.server: RegisterActiveObject()
        and RevokeActiveObject(), plus some flags.

        * Applied a patch from Torbjørn Tyridal.  This allows to
        high-level implement methods in COM servers, and event handler
        methods that have [in] and [out] arguments in mixed order.

2008-11-05  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * Add the IPersistFile interface to the comtypes.persist module.
        Add comtypes.shelllink module which contains IShellLinkA and
        IShellLinkW interfaces, plus the ShellLink coclass.

2008-10-29  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * Handle coclass pointers as arguments in com interface methods
        correctly.  Method calls will now accept pointers to the default
        interface of this coclass.

        * The Fire_Event() method in comtypes.server.connectionpoints now
        returns a list of results.

2008-10-10  Thomas Heller  <thel...@python.net>

        * Import cStringIO, which should always be available on Windows,
        instead of first trying cStringIO and then StringIO.

        * Python 2.6 compatibility: use 'types.MethodType' instead of
        'new.instancemethod' to fix a -3 warning.

        Use 'raise Exception(details)' instead of
        'raise Exception, details'.

        Don't use tuple unpacking in exception handlers:
          'except COMError, err:
              (hresult, text, details) = err'
        instead of
          'except COMError, (hresult, text, details)'

        * Python 2.4 compatibility: os.stat() raises OSError instead of
        WindowsError when a file is not found.


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