now I got it working with python33. In win32com.client in function
WithEvents I exchanged event_class with user_event_class:
result_class = new_type("COMEventClass", (user_event_class, events_class),
Same has to be done with the DispatchWithEvent function. If someone gives
me a hand o
Hello Newsgroup,
I dug into this further and got it running in a thread. No change with the
events, same behavior. I added to the working Appdeactivate event an vba
routine to add a new drawing. Thus I had the focus when the event occurs
and now I got the event. Naturally this is not desirable si
Hello Newsgroup,
I am currently programming ProgeCAD an AutoCAD Clone and having
difficulties catching all events.
My code:
import win32com.client
import pythoncom,pywintypes
import time
import tkFileDialog
import tkSimpleDialog
import IntelliCAD
import sys
icad_CLSID = '{77E49E57-976B-11CF-8CC