Hi all,

So I have a custom data type that I create in cpp that I use for an 
attribute on a custom node. My custom data type is pretty straight forward:
class BlindData : public MPxData

    virtual ~BlindData();

   * Copy the local data from a similar data object
   * @param MPxData
   *   Data object to copy from.
  virtual void copy(const MPxData&);

  readBinary(istream& in, unsigned int length);

  writeBinary(ostream& out);

  MTypeId typeId() const;

  MString name() const;

  static MString typeName;
  static MTypeId id;
  static void* creator();

  std::vector<char> m_data;

And then I just use that as a type for my attr on my node
  MFnTypedAttribute tAttr;
  MStatus stat;

    blindDataAttr = tAttr.create("blindData",

So now I want to set that in Python, but I'm not sure how too. Anyone run 
into this before?

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