ive done several ffmpeg gamma corrections, notably going from sRGB to 
linear and the colors are quite there, almost. But there is a slight wash 
out effect still.
Tried with 2.2 and 1.8. Is it possible that there is a shift in the color 

Again, all these are just test without knowing the rendering space and 
gamma of the playblast that Maya is applying in batch mode.

El viernes, 22 de mayo de 2020, 17:18:54 (UTC+2), Juan Cristóbal Quesada 
> I work as a pipeline TD and i wanted to see if someone has encountered the 
> same problem that is puzzling me since some days now. Something that 
> shouldnt be that tricky. Here it goes: we are playblasting in our farm some 
> maya files through a python script i did some time ago. After some problems 
> with the graphics cards etc we managed to make it work correctly. But now 
> there is only one final step: color management. The color spaces of the 
> playblast done in maya gui and the one done in maya batch mode doesnt 
> match. In Maya GUI the rendering space is set to "linear sRGB" and the view 
> transform is set to "sRGB gamma". Tried to replicate the same configuration 
> in maya batch mode but it doesnt work and my assumption is that because 
> there is no Opengl context initialized some functions that are available on 
> GUI mode, arent on Batch mode. So now im getting to the point of trying to 
> make a video conversion with ffmpeg and specifying the input and output 
> colorspace of the files. But if i ffprobe the maya GUI playblast file it 
> says "color_space unknown, color_primaries unknown, color_range unknown"
> reading the ffmpeg doc i need to know whats the input movie colorspace so 
> i can apply the correct convresion
> searched autodesk documentation for a while to see if it says somewhere 
> what are the specs of the playblast (a qt h264 mov file) regarding the 
> colorspace that it is applied but havent found nothing.

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