#fedora-meeting-1: fedora-qadevel

Minutes (text): 

Meeting summary
* roll call  (tflink, 14:01:03)

* Announcements and Information  (tflink, 14:03:45)
  * taskotron-dev works again - mkrizek  (mkrizek, 14:04:33)
  * deployment of atomic/cloud checks is in progress - mkrizek, roshi
    (mkrizek, 14:05:07)
  * we have nested virt on dev \o/  (mkrizek, 14:05:52)
  * working on overview documentation for how data flows through
    taskotron - roshi  (roshi, 14:06:47)
  * phab updated to a version with working search  (tflink, 14:08:47)

* Deploying New Features  (tflink, 14:09:33)

* Documentation, Guides and Examples  (tflink, 14:18:11)

* Phabricator  (tflink, 14:31:25)
  * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1418940   (tflink,
  * ACTION: tflink to move the conversation around phab and pagure to
    qadevel@  (tflink, 14:54:06)

* open floor  (tflink, 14:54:10)

Meeting ended at 14:55:49 UTC.

Action Items
* tflink to move the conversation around phab and pagure to qadevel@

Action Items, by person
* tflink
  * tflink to move the conversation around phab and pagure to qadevel@
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* tflink (95)
* roshi (43)
* kparal (30)
* mkrizek (18)
* jskladan (5)
* zodbot (5)
* tenk (1)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot

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