[Qemu-devel] [Bug 1772165] Re: arm raspi2/raspi3 emulation has no USB support

2019-07-22 Thread Aditya Govardhan
After reading change logs, I believe USB support for raspi2/raspi3 is not added yet. Which means host internet network can't be accessed by emulated machine. I would be glad to help in documentation of differences between real Raspberry Pi devices and QEMU emulated raspi2/raspi3 since I have seen

[Qemu-devel] [Bug 1837347] [NEW] core dump after raspi2 kernel boot

2019-07-21 Thread Aditya Govardhan
Public bug reported: Host info: == x86-64, Ubuntu 18.04, QEMU 4.0.0 (downloaded tarball from main site) Guest info: === ARM7l, Raspbian OS off the main raspberry pi site QEMU command: = qemu-system-arm -M raspi2 -kernel bootpart/kernel7.img -dtb bootpart/bcm2709-rpi-