--- "S.P.T.Krishnan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> a. How does qemu slice the guest binary into blocks
> ? any rational or rule of thumb here ?

As far as I understand the source code, the end of
every translated block is at a control transfer
instruction or when a maximum translation block length
has been reached. You can grep for "gen_eob" in the
translate.c source code of any particular target (fe
i386/translate.c) to see the points at which an end of
block is generated and the blocks are sliced. It may
also be helpful to let qemu write the input & output
asm code of translated blocks to a log file (qemu -d
in_asm, out_asm) for better understanding how it works
under the hood, by watching how the blocks are being
generated/sliced on the fly.


Joachim De Zutter

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