I'm Hadi khalilpur! I'm majoring in software engineering in MSc level. I'm 
working on "Automatic bug localization of virtual machines". My investigations 
are based on a prior researchs that proposed an automatic methodology for 
testing virtual machines.
I like to focus on QEMU as one of more widespread virtual machines. To this 
end, I need the scource code of QEMU release 0.9.1. I know that your team 
modified most of bugs (or maybe all of them) that exist in 0.9.1 version. But 
my available test- cases are based on QEMU 0.9.1. So if it's possible for you, 
help me in accessing that information. I want to introduce a noval automatic 
methodology for localizing bugs in virtual machines. If you want, I can send 
results of my investigations to you.
Thank you for your attention.
Best regards!
Hadi khalilpur



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