Hi all,

I'm having some troubles with QEMU's hard disk images and may have bumped into a bug. I'm trying to import data into my emulated MINIX, but somehow it is truncated.

I successfully created a qemu-img called hda.img of 512 MB and installed the latest version from MINIX on it. Trying to import files by using the file as hdb image and reading from /dev/hdb in the emulated MINIX works perfectly fine for small files. For an import file above 1.5 MB the following weirdiness happens:

In linux:

$ qemu -hda hda.img -hdb import.tar.gz

After booting MINIX with QEMU:

# dd if=/dev/hdb of=import.tar.gz bs=1 count=1672014
# ls -l import.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root operator 1548288 Jul 31 20:34 import.tar.gz

Somehow the file is truncated at exactly 1.5 MB, while the dd output indicates that all records were successfully read. Inspection of /dev/hdb with MINIX' part tools also learns that the QEMU emulated hard disk is 1512 KB.

I'd like to note that for several small files (less than 1 MB) this procedure worked fine.

Another file of 75582464 bytes was truncated at 73584 KB.

Could this behaviour be caused by a bug in QEMU?

Please CC the reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as I'm not a list member.


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