Hi All -

I would like to generate a trace of all memory accesses (i.e. read or
write, physical address, and data content/payload).  The end goal is to use
this trace to drive a separate memory system simulator.  Ideally, the trace
would also provide core-id and a timestamp (but I am not as optimistic that
qemu will give me these).

I have noted that several previous threads address this topic, so perhaps
the question becomes can I get in contact with those who have successfully
done this before?  I'd like to do as little as possible here :) to get what
I want, and I'm hoping that either this has been rolled into the new qemu
release or that a previously existing patch does most of what I want (i.e.
which patch?).

I would be happy to hack the qemu source code if there is only one or two
places where I need to do invasive surgery.

Thank you,
Pete Stevenson

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