Reported as a bug at:

First observed with OpenSolaris 2009.06, and also applies to the latest
OpenIndiana release.

Version: qemu-kvm 1.1.1


2 x AMD Opteron 6128 8-core processors, 64GB RAM.

These guests boot on equivalent Intel hardware.

To reproduce:

qemu-kvm -nodefaults -m 512 -cpu host -vga cirrus -usbdevice tablet -vnc
:99 -monitor stdio -hda drive.img -cdrom oi-dev-151a5-live-x86.iso -boot

I've tested with "-vga std" and various different emulated CPU types, to no

What happens:

GRUB loads, and offers multiple boot options, but none work. Some kind of
kernel panic flies by very fast before restarting the VM, and careful use
of the screenshot button reveals that it reads as follows:

panic[cpu0]/thread=fec22de0: BAD TRAP: type=8 (#df Double fault)
rp=fec2b48c add r=0

#df Double fault
pid=0, pc=0xault
pid=0, pc=0xfe800377, sp=0xfec40090, eflags=0x202
cr0: 80050011<pg,wp,et,pe> cr4:b8<pge,pae,pse,de>
cr2: 0cr3: ae2f000
              gs: 1b0 fs: 0 es: 160 ds: 160
             edi: 0 esi: 0 ebp: 0 esp: fec2b4c4
             ebx: c0010015 edx: 0 ecx: 0 eax: fec40400
             trp: 8 err: 0 eip: fe800377 cs: 158
             efl: 202 usp: fec40090 ss: 160
tss.tss_link: 0x0
tss.tss_esp0: 0x0
tss.tss_ss0: 0x160
tss.tss_esp1: 0x0
tss.tss_ss1: 0x0
tss.tss esp2: 0x0
tss.tss_ss2: 0x0
tss.tss_cr3: 0xae2f000
tss.tss_eip: 0xfec40400
tss.tss_eflags: 0x202
tss.tss_eax: 0xfec40400
tss.tss_ebx: 0xc0010015
tss.tss_ecx: 0xc0010000
tss.tss_edx: 0x0
tss.tss_esp: 0xfec40090

Warning - stack not written to the dumpbuf
fec2b3c8 unix:due+e4 (8, fec2b48c, 0, 0)
fec2b478 unix:trap+12fa (fec2b48c, 0, 0)
fec2b48c unix:_cmntrap+7c (1b0, 0, 160, 160, 0)

If there's any more, I haven't managed to catch it.

Solaris 11 does not seem to suffer from the same issue, although the first
message that appears at boot (after the version info) is "trap: Unkown trap
type 8 in user mode". Could be related?

As always, thanks in advance and please let me know if I can help to test,
or provide any more information.



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