No, none of those people are using a kernel built for the rpi, because
that simply won't work. They will be using a kernel for versatilepb (or
some random hacked variant on it) plus the rpi filesystem image. This is
all a bit less than fully supported because the versatilepb board
doesn't actually
> Running an ARM kernel on an x86 model is obviously not going to work
either so I have no idea why you did that.
This was simply to demonstrate that qemu-system-x86_64 seemed to be
doing something even when fed an inappropriate kernel, whereas the qemu-
system-arm did not.
> You're trying to ru
You're trying to run a Raspberry Pi kernel on a model of a Versatile PB
board. These two bits of ARM hardware are totally different and a kernel
for one won't work on the other. QEMU is correctly emulating a kernel
which has crashed or simply failed to output anything because it isn't
sending seria