On Thu, Dec 15, 2005 at 01:43:22PM -0300, JuanJo Ciarlante wrote:
> Hi Fabrice ...
> I'm attaching my latest diff, main changes from v4 are the isolation+polishing
> of dgram sockets functions and support for fd= argument for multicast
> inherited sockets (including test script: tests/qemu-mcast-test-fd.py).
> I'm quite comfortable with this src; fd=N support came almost
> naturally from the code restructuring.
> Changes:
> v6 (2005-12-15):
>       * Added tests/qemu-mcast-test-fd.py
> v5 (2005-12-15):
>       * Reworked code to isolate dgram functions and correctly use IO 
> handlers methods with
>         specific dgram implementations
>       * net_socket_fd_init() now detects STREAM or DGRAM and calls:
>         - net_socket_fd_init_stream(): merely renamed from previous 
> net_socket_fd_init impl
>         - net_socket_fd_init_dgram():  it also supports fd passing
> As always, available under GPL from
>   http://www.irrigacion.gov.ar/juanjo/qemu/

Correction: vl.c is under BSD license, and so are my changes.


#  Juan Jose Ciarlante (JuanJo) jjo ;at; mendoza.gov.ar                     #
#  GnuPG Public Key: gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net --recv-key 66727177 #
#   Key fingerprint: 0D2F 3E5D 8B5C 729E 0560  F453 A3F7 E249 6672 7177     #

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