The script is a special kind of NBD server.  It
throws away all writes and produces zeroes for reads.  Given a list of
fault injection rules, it can simulate NBD protocol errors and is useful
for testing NBD client error handling code paths.

See the patch for documentation.  This scripts is modelled after Kevin
Wolf <>'s blkdebug block driver.

Signed-off-by: Stefan Hajnoczi <>
 tests/qemu-iotests/ | 264 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 264 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 tests/qemu-iotests/

diff --git a/tests/qemu-iotests/ 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6c07191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/qemu-iotests/
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# NBD server - fault injection utility
+# Configuration file syntax:
+#   [inject-error "disconnect-neg1"]
+#   event=neg1
+#   io=readwrite
+#   when=before
+# Note that Python's ConfigParser squashes together all sections with the same
+# name, so give each [inject-error] a unique name.
+# inject-error options:
+#   event - name of the trigger event
+#           "neg1" - first part of negotiation struct
+#           "export" - export struct
+#           "neg2" - second part of negotiation struct
+#           "request" - NBD request struct
+#           "reply" - NBD reply struct
+#           "data" - request/reply data
+#   io    - I/O direction that triggers this rule:
+#           "read", "write", or "readwrite"
+#           default: readwrite
+#   when  - after how many bytes to inject the fault
+#           -1 - inject error after I/O
+#           0 - inject error before I/O
+#           integer - inject error after integer bytes
+#           "before" - alias for 0
+#           "after" - alias for -1
+#           default: before
+# Currently the only error injection action is to terminate the server process.
+# This resets the TCP connection and thus forces the client to handle
+# unexpected connection termination.
+# Other error injection actions could be added in the future.
+# Copyright Red Hat, Inc. 2014
+# Authors:
+#   Stefan Hajnoczi <>
+# This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or later.
+# See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
+import sys
+import socket
+import struct
+import collections
+import ConfigParser
+FAKE_DISK_SIZE = 8 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 # 8 GB
+# Protocol constants
+NBD_REQUEST_MAGIC = 0x25609513
+NBD_REPLY_MAGIC = 0x67446698
+NBD_PASSWD = 0x4e42444d41474943
+NBD_OPTS_MAGIC = 0x49484156454F5054
+NBD_CLIENT_MAGIC = 0x0000420281861253
+# Protocol structs
+neg_classic_struct = struct.Struct('>QQQI124x')
+neg1_struct = struct.Struct('>QQH')
+export_tuple = collections.namedtuple('Export', 'reserved magic opt len')
+export_struct = struct.Struct('>IQII')
+neg2_struct = struct.Struct('>QH124x')
+request_tuple = collections.namedtuple('Request', 'magic type handle from_ 
+request_struct = struct.Struct('>IIQQI')
+reply_struct = struct.Struct('>IIQ')
+def err(msg):
+    sys.stderr.write(msg + '\n')
+    sys.exit(1)
+def recvall(sock, bufsize):
+    received = 0
+    chunks = []
+    while received < bufsize:
+        chunk = sock.recv(bufsize - received)
+        if len(chunk) == 0:
+            raise Exception('unexpected disconnect')
+        chunks.append(chunk)
+        received += len(chunk)
+    return ''.join(chunks)
+class Rule(object):
+    def __init__(self, name, event, io, when):
+ = name
+        self.event = event
+ = io
+        self.when = when
+    def match(self, event, io):
+        if event != self.event:
+            return False
+        if io != and != 'readwrite':
+            return False
+        return True
+class FaultInjectionSocket(object):
+    def __init__(self, sock, rules):
+        self.sock = sock
+        self.rules = rules
+    def check(self, event, io, bufsize=None):
+        for rule in self.rules:
+            if rule.match(event, io):
+                if rule.when == 0 or bufsize is None:
+                    print 'Closing connection on rule match %s' %
+                    sys.exit(0)
+                if rule.when != -1:
+                    return rule.when
+        return bufsize
+    def send(self, buf, event):
+        bufsize = self.check(event, 'write', bufsize=len(buf))
+        self.sock.sendall(buf[:bufsize])
+        self.check(event, 'write')
+    def recv(self, bufsize, event):
+        bufsize = self.check(event, 'read', bufsize=bufsize)
+        data = recvall(self.sock, bufsize)
+        self.check(event, 'read')
+        return data
+    def close(self):
+        self.sock.close()
+def negotiate_classic(conn):
+    buf = neg_classic_struct.pack(NBD_PASSWD, NBD_CLIENT_MAGIC,
+                                  FAKE_DISK_SIZE, 0)
+    conn.send(buf, event='neg-classic')
+def negotiate_export(conn):
+    # Send negotiation part 1
+    buf = neg1_struct.pack(NBD_PASSWD, NBD_OPTS_MAGIC, 0)
+    conn.send(buf, event='neg1')
+    # Receive export option
+    buf = conn.recv(export_struct.size, event='export')
+    export = export_tuple._make(export_struct.unpack(buf))
+    assert export.magic == NBD_OPTS_MAGIC
+    assert export.opt == NBD_OPT_EXPORT_NAME
+    name = conn.recv(export.len, event='export-name')
+    # Send negotiation part 2
+    buf = neg2_struct.pack(FAKE_DISK_SIZE, 0)
+    conn.send(buf, event='neg2')
+def negotiate(conn, use_export):
+    '''Negotiate export with client'''
+    if use_export:
+        negotiate_export(conn)
+    else:
+        negotiate_classic(conn)
+def read_request(conn):
+    '''Parse NBD request from client'''
+    buf = conn.recv(request_struct.size, event='request')
+    req = request_tuple._make(request_struct.unpack(buf))
+    assert req.magic == NBD_REQUEST_MAGIC
+    return req
+def write_reply(conn, error, handle):
+    buf = reply_struct.pack(NBD_REPLY_MAGIC, error, handle)
+    conn.send(buf, event='reply')
+def handle_connection(conn, use_export):
+    negotiate(conn, use_export)
+    while True:
+        req = read_request(conn)
+        if req.type == NBD_CMD_READ:
+            write_reply(conn, 0, req.handle)
+            conn.send('\0' * req.len, event='data')
+        elif req.type == NBD_CMD_WRITE:
+            _ = conn.recv(req.len, event='data')
+            write_reply(conn, 0, req.handle)
+        elif req.type == NBD_CMD_DISC:
+            break
+        else:
+            print 'unrecognized command type %#02x' % req.type
+            break
+    conn.close()
+def run_server(sock, rules, use_export):
+    while True:
+        conn, _ = sock.accept()
+        handle_connection(FaultInjectionSocket(conn, rules), use_export)
+def parse_inject_error(name, options):
+    if 'event' not in options:
+        err('missing \"event\" option in %s' % name)
+    event = options['event']
+    if event not in ('neg-classic', 'neg1', 'export', 'neg2', 'request', 
'reply', 'data'):
+        err('invalid \"event\" option value \"%s\" in %s' % (event, name))
+    io = options.get('io', 'readwrite')
+    if io not in ('read', 'write', 'readwrite'):
+        err('invalid \"io\" option value \"%s\" in %s' % (io, name))
+    when = options.get('when', 'before')
+    try:
+        when = int(when)
+    except ValueError:
+        if when == 'before':
+            when = 0
+        elif when == 'after':
+            when = -1
+        else:
+            err('invalid \"when\" option value \"%s\" in %s' % (when, name))
+    return Rule(name, event, io, when)
+def parse_config(config):
+    rules = []
+    for name in config.sections():
+        if name.startswith('inject-error'):
+            options = dict(config.items(name))
+            rules.append(parse_inject_error(name, options))
+        else:
+            err('invalid config section name: %s' % name)
+    return rules
+def load_rules(filename):
+    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+    with open(filename, 'rt') as f:
+        config.readfp(f, filename)
+    return parse_config(config)
+def open_socket(path):
+    '''Open a TCP or UNIX domain listen socket'''
+    if ':' in path:
+        host, port = path.split(':', 1)
+        sock = socket.socket()
+        sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
+        sock.bind((host, int(port)))
+    else:
+        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX)
+        sock.bind(path)
+    sock.listen(0)
+    print 'Listening on %s' % path
+    return sock
+def usage(args):
+    sys.stderr.write('usage: %s [--classic-negotiation] <tcp-port>|<unix-path> 
<config-file>\n' % args[0])
+    sys.stderr.write('Run an fault injector NBD server with rules defined in a 
config file.\n')
+    sys.exit(1)
+def main(args):
+    if len(args) != 3 and len(args) != 4:
+        usage(args)
+    use_export = True
+    if args[1] == '--classic-negotiation':
+        use_export = False
+    elif len(args) == 4:
+        usage(args)
+    sock = open_socket(args[1 if use_export else 2])
+    rules = load_rules(args[2 if use_export else 3])
+    run_server(sock, rules, use_export)
+    return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    sys.exit(main(sys.argv))

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