Quoting Justin Ossevoort (2015-05-11 01:58:44)
> The FITRIM ioctl updates the fstrim_range structure it receives. This
> way the caller can determine how many bytes were trimmed. The
> guest-fstrim logic reuses the same fstrim_range for each filesystem,
> effectively limiting each filesystem to tri
On Mon, 11 May 2015 08:58:44 +0200
Justin Ossevoort wrote:
> The FITRIM ioctl updates the fstrim_range structure it receives. This
> way the caller can determine how many bytes were trimmed. The
> guest-fstrim logic reuses the same fstrim_range for each filesystem,
> effectively limiting each fil
The FITRIM ioctl updates the fstrim_range structure it receives. This
way the caller can determine how many bytes were trimmed. The
guest-fstrim logic reuses the same fstrim_range for each filesystem,
effectively limiting each filesystem to trim at most as much as the
previous was able to trim.