Re: [Qemu-devel] No response from qemu

2006-09-19 Thread Ely Soto
Hi everyone. I'm fairly new to QEMU. I'm in the process of beginning to attempt to create a guest VxWorks installation. So far the idea is that I'll have to customize a BSP (Board Support Package) to match the emulated PPC hardware. At this point I've just gotten qemu to build using MingGW and

[Qemu-devel] No response from qemu

2006-09-19 Thread Joseph Davida
Host Linux is FC3 2.6.9-1.677 kernel.# qemu-img create -f vmdk /hdb3/usr/tmp/qlinux 60GFormating '/hdb3/usr/tmp/qlinux', fmt=vmdk, size=62914560 kB# qemu -cdrom /usr/src/kernel/linux-fc6-x86_64/FC-6-Test3-x86_64-DVD.iso -boot d -hda /hdb3/usr/tmp/qlinuxThe window pops up, and it's title says:QEMU: