
I managed to install Slackintosh-11.0 on qemu-0.9.0-ppc for windows.
Now while I try to set up network support, I get into problems:

I started with this:
==> http://www.h6.dion.ne.jp/~kazuw/qemu-win/qemu-0.9.0-ppc.zip

Then I installed Slackintosh from

Now I use kernel vmlinuz-2.4.25
==> http://www.olifantasia.com/qemu/kernels/2.4.25/
where I changed the kernel command line with the preptool...
(I have the impression that the -append option in qemu didn't work)

I have installed the "TAP-Win32 Adapter V8", which works with coLinux-0.8.0
and with the qemu-0.9.0-x86 provided disk image
==> http://www.h6.dion.ne.jp/~kazuw/qemu-win/qemu-0.9.0-windows.zip

So far so good!

Now for the networking...

(got the network adapter up and configured and inetd running etc...
this worked like a breeze on the qemu-0.9.0-x86 btw.)

When I try to ping the guest OS, I see (using windump on XP)
that the host OS sends "arp who-has", but the guest OS does not reply.

When I try to ping the host OS, I see (using windump on XP)
that the guest OS sends ICMP requests,
and that the host OS (XP) sends replies.
However, the guest OS does not receive any packets...

I manually added the ARP entry on the host OS

Now, when I try to ping the guest OS, I see (using windump on XP)
that the host OS sends "ICMP echo request", but the guest OS does not reply.

When I try to ping the host OS, I see (using windump on XP)
that the guest OS sends ICMP requests,
and that the host OS (XP) sends replies.
However, the guest OS ping prints "Destination host unreachable"

I manually added the ARP entry on the guest OS too

When I try to ping the host OS, I see (using windump on XP)
that the guest OS sends ICMP requests,
and that the host OS (XP) sends replies.
However, the guest OS does not receive any packets...

ifconfig shows a number of TX packets, but 0 RX packets.
Did anyone get networking to work on qemu-0.9.0-ppc.exe ?

-- lode

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