Re: [Qemu-devel] multiple CDROM install

2006-05-31 Thread Jérôme MOLLIER-PIERRET
umount the cdrom in the Hosted OS if needed. Eject the real media and change it. Enter in the console (CTRL+ALT+2) and type "change cdrom /dev/cdrom". Return in the OS (CTRL+ALT+1) remount the cdrom in the Hosted OS if needed. Good play with Qemu. Regards, Jerome MOLLIER-PIERRET Note : a si

[Qemu-devel] multiple CDROM install

2006-05-31 Thread Rakotomandimby Mihamina
Hi, I would like to install fedora core wich is a multiple install CDROM distribution. I did not find any tutorial that tells how to switch CDROM. Would you help me please? -- A powerfull GroupWare, CMS, CRM, ECM: CPS (Open Source & GPL). Opengroupware, SPIP, Plone, PhpBB, JetSpeed... are good: C