Hello, this may be somewhat off-topic, but I figured that qemu-devel@ is
probably a reasonable place to introduce Qemudo, a QEMU Web interface:


The first version (0.1.0) has just been released. Quick description:

  Qemudo is a Web interface to QEMU offering a way for users to access
  and control multiple virtual machines (guest systems) running on one
  or more remote physical machines (host systems).

  From the Web interface, VMs can be created, started up, shut down,
  reset, and accessed (monitor, keyboard and mouse). Access to the VMs
  is done through a VNC applet making use of the VNC protocol natively
  supported by QEMU 0.8.1 and later.

  Qemudo has been primarily designed to function in a cluster
  environment, where its Web interface gives a unified view on all the
  VMs running on a cluster of physical machines. Of course it can also
  be used just as easily to manage only a couple of VMs running locally.

Check out the website for screenshots and download links. The tarball contains
INSTALL and USAGE files describing Qemudo's architecture. I'll stick to the
"release early and often" style of development, so 0.1.0 should be considered an
early release, albeit fully functional. Contributions to the project are of
course welcome.


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