On 05/09/2013 05:42 AM, Gonglei (Arei) wrote:
> Hi all,
>we use the command "virsh edit" to modify the VM configuration
> information online on KVM Platform(libvirt-1.0.0 and qemu-1.4),
> but it does not take effect after reboot. However, it works fine on Xen
> Platform.
This sort of quest
On 05/09/13 13:42, Gonglei (Arei) wrote:
> Hi all,
>we use the command "virsh edit" to modify the VM configuration
> information online on KVM Platform(libvirt-1.0.0 and qemu-1.4),
> but it does not take effect after reboot. However, it works fine on Xen
> Platform.
>for an example
Hi all,
we use the command "virsh edit" to modify the VM configuration information
online on KVM Platform(libvirt-1.0.0 and qemu-1.4),
but it does not take effect after reboot. However, it works fine on Xen
for an example,a VM is running with the following configuration infor