Plugin Layer Tree Icons approval by zimbogisgeek.
The plugin version "[2058] Layer Tree Icons 1.1.0" is now approved
QGIS-Developer mailing list
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When installing QGis Server on Windows using the OSGeo4W installer its
actually the only way. Trying to install only the server part and you
will not get all dll:s to run the application. Desktop is needed.
best regards // Henrik
Den 2020-05-14 kl. 15:31, skrev Sebastiaan Couwenberg:
On 5/14
> It is when you install Recommends, which now enabled by default.
> > here is the list of packages installed when doing sudo apt-get install
> > qgis-server:
> The list is shorter when using:
> apt install --no-install-recommends qgis-server
thanks, I wasn't aware of this change.
On 5/14/20 3:24 PM, Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> I noticed that the list of dependencies to be installed was weirdly very
> long, and in fact after finishing it was also installed Gnome... is this
> normal now?
It is when you install Recommends, which now enabled by default.
> here is the list of pac
HI all,
I just noticed the following:
installed a machine with fresh copy of Ubuntu Server 20.04, headless
added the repo and installed qgis-server
I noticed that the list of dependencies to be installed was weirdly very
long, and in fact after finishing it was also installed Gnome... i
Hi Saber,
Thanks for the hint. And now that you write about it, I also found the
same hint in the build instructions
(, section 3.8.1 -
should RTFM ...
Seems to work.
Many thanks,
Am 14.05.20 um 13:46 schrieb Saber Razmjooei:
Hi A
Hi Andreas,
Could you try (change /usr/local/src/QGIS_master with your path to checked
out repo):
cmake ..
After upgrading from Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04 I have now troubles
compiling QGIS with 3D.
during "ccmake -GNinja .." I get the following error message:
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:427 (FIND_PACKAGE):
By not providing "FindQt53DExtras.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this