On 25/08/2024 04:51, Catania, Luke A ERDC-RDE-GRL-VA CIV via
QGIS-Developer wrote:
It seems to be happening with pyqtgraph\Qt.py which is not my code.
Seems that your PyQtGraph is outdated. Recent releases
(https://github.com/pyqtgraph/pyqtgraph/releases) do not contain a
Dear Developers,
I like to use a GPKG to store and visualize statistical information on
files in a remote sensing data cube. The GPKG contains three layers:
1. ard_data - a table with all kinds of information but without geometries
2. ard_tiles - a table with polygon geometries.
3. ard_data_by
Hi Gerald,
you may use "from importlib import reload" to reload the packages that
have been changed.
On 16.05.2024 13:13, Gerald Kogler via QGIS-Developer wrote:
The fantastic Plugin Reloader doesn't reload
Dear Lars,
this looks like your plugin's __init__.py (that one that contains the
"def classFactory(iface)") want's to import the LIFA_ejdexplorer before
it's location is added to the PYTHONPATH
You may need something like:
sys.path.append('folder to LIFA_ejdexplorer')
before the classFactor
Hi Johannes,
just stop the execution in QgsTask::run(), for example using a break
that stops a loop, and return False instead of True.
From https://api.qgis.org/api/3.30/classQgsTask.html
Performs the task's operation.
This method will be called when the task commences (ie via calling
Hi Luke,
to my experience the "RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type
QgsVectorLayer has been deleted" is raised when the C++ QgsVectorLayer
has been deleted by a parent class.
This is often a QgsMapLayerStore, for example the
QgsProject.instance().mapLayerStore(), from which a layer gets
Hi Joeri,
I just checked the OSGeo4W Network installer
where pandas it still available:
Am 28.03.2023 um 10:35 schrieb Joeri van Engelen via QGIS-Developer:
We’re developing and maintaining a
Dear Developers,
in my freshly compiled QGIS a news feed for https://conf.qgis.osgeo.fr/
is displayed. As I am currently also helping to organize the FOSSGIS
(https://fossgis-konferenz.de/2023/), a german FOSS4G, I was wondering,
if we could also refer to this for German speaking QGIS users in
Dear all,
it seems that QGIS has big problems to load rasters with a higher number
of bands. De facto users cannot visualize data from hyperspectral
satellites like EnMAP, DESIS or the CHIME in a responsive way.
In my case I tried to load an AVIRIS-NG image (425 bands x 1673 height x
649 wid
Hi Luke,
it looks like your QGISenv.bat does not add the QGIS internal plugin
folder to the PYTHONPATH.
You may use something like:
where OSGEO4W_ROOT is the path to where yo
Hi Michael,
call "import processing" before "import qgis.processing"
Calling "import processing" will monkey-patch the request "run(...)" to
This is automatically done when starting the Desktop QGIS.
On 2022-06-29 07:14, Egenolf, Michael via QGIS-Devel
Hi Michael,
you need to add the python\plugins folder to the pythonpath as well,
either in your batch file or PyCharm
Am 28/06/2022 um 15:17 schrieb Egenolf, Michael via QGIS-Developer:
Dear QGIS-Develeopers,
I was trying to figure out how to get going with the processi
Hi Tyler,
you may use a QgsProcessingParameterAuthConfig parameter
Am 30/05/2022 um 15:31 schrieb Tyler Veinot via QGIS-Developer:
Hi All,
I have a R script that I am trying to build into a process
Hi Raymond,
what is mean is something like:
class TestProvider():
def __init__(...):
def addAlgorithm(a):
self.mMyAlgorithms.append(a) # <-- keep a python reference
self.algorithmsLoaded.emit() # <-- requ
Hi Raymond,
you need to ensure that your provider saves a python reference on your
TestAlgorithm2() (which you probably already do).
After its set of algorithms has changed (i.e. refresh, addAlgorithm(s)
etc.) it needs to emit the algorithmsLoaded signal.
On 2022-05-13 08
Hi Aron,
with the EnMAP-Box plugin we are confronted with missing PIP packages
quite often. Therefore we implemented a "PIP Package Installer"
(screenshot below, source code here:
In case of missing admin
Dear Developers,
to implement a QgsExpressionFunction I like to access the "layer" from a
QgsExpressionContext "context".
Using the C++ API this can be done with the QgsExpressionUtils:
QgsVectorLayer *vl = QgsExpressionUtils::getVectorLayer(
context->variable( QStringLiteral( "layer" ) ), p
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